import Docker from "dockerode"
import Logger from "imergo-logger"
const __docker = new Docker({
socketPath: "/var/run/docker.sock"
const __logger = Logger("test-containers")
* Runs an application in a Docker container.
* @async
* @function runApplication
* @param {Object} options - The options for running the application.
* @param {Docker} [options.docker = new Docker({ socketPath: "/var/run/docker.sock" })] - The Docker instance to use.
* @param {Logger} [options.logger = Logger("test-containers")] - The logger to use.
* @param {string} options.containerName - The name of the container to run the application in.
* @param {ReadableStream} options.scriptReadStream - The readable stream of the compressed file containing the application to run.
* @param {string} [options.scriptRootDir = "/root"] - The root directory in the container to place and expand the archive.
* @param {Object} options.execOptions - The options for executing the application in the container.
* @returns {Promise<string|Error>} A promise that resolves with the output of the script, or rejects with an error.
* @example
* const scriptReadStream = fs.createReadStream("/path/to/your/script.tar.gz");
* const execOptions = {
* Cmd: ["node", "yourScript.js"],
* AttachStdout: true,
* AttachStderr: true
* };
* runApplication({
* docker,
* containerName: "myContainer",
* scriptReadStream,
* execOptions
* }).then(console.log).catch(console.error);
export default async function runApplication({
docker= __docker,
logger= __logger,
scriptRootDir= "/root",
}) {`Running script in ${containerName} container`)
const containers = await docker.listContainers({
filters: {
name: [ containerName ],
status: [ "running" ]
if (containers.length)
const container = docker.getContainer(containers[ 0 ].Id)`Using existing container: ${}`)`Uploading file to container`)
await container.putArchive(scriptReadStream, { path: scriptRootDir })
return executeInContainer(container, execOptions)
async function executeInContainer(container, execOptions) {
const __execOptions = {
AttachStderr: true,
AttachStdout: true,
const exec = await container.exec(__execOptions)
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
return exec.start({}, (error, stream) => {
return reject(error)
let output = ""
stream.on("data", chunk => output += chunk.toString().replace(/[^\w\s]/gi, ""))
stream.on("end", async () => {
return resolve(output)
// stream.on("finish", () => stream.socket.exit())
stream.on("error", error => reject(error))